Read more about the article Katie kubik and koehn boyd secure five victories at u.s.
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Katie kubik and koehn boyd secure five victories at u.s.

Young swimmer wins prestigious award for her dedication and hard work. Koehn Boyd is a 16-year-old swimmer from California who has been training for the U.S. Para Swimming National Championships…

Read more about the article Lane Reserved  Remembering Harris Rosen
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Lane Reserved Remembering Harris Rosen

The Legacy of Harris RosenHarris Rosen was a man of incredible dedication and perseverance. He spent his life working tirelessly to promote swimming and water safety, leaving behind a lasting…

Read more about the article Lane Reserved  Remembering Harris Rosen
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Lane Reserved Remembering Harris Rosen

The Legacy of Harris RosenHarris Rosen's impact on the swimming world extends far beyond his impressive swimming career. His dedication to the sport and his community has left a lasting…